EMCA Volt Sp. z o.o. uses modern IT programmes to fulfil orders. They are described below.
Power Factory
PowerFactory programme enables testing and optimisation of the work of the power system. It allows for detailed mapping of the manufacturing, transmitting and distributing subsystem.
With PowerFactory software the following analyses and calculations are prepared:
- Power flows, including optimal power flow – OPF,
- Nodal prices and marginal cost indicators
- Short circuit analysis (IEC 60909, ANSI C37, including multiple short circuits)
- The assessment of the power system reliability and of consuming nodes supply
- analyses of local and global stability, including the modelling of electromechanical and electromagnetic states
- Coordination and adjustments of power system protection
- Analyses of the current and voltage harmonics
- Rating of power reliability customers, determination of indicators of supply discontinuity, such as: SAIFI, CAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI , etc.
- Modelling of the dissipated generation of electricity
- Virtual power plants modelling,
- Optimization of the structure of the transmission network and 110 kV network, optimization of splitting points, grape networks, the division into sections, optimization of energy losses, optimization of the distribution of the load on the generation units, etc.
- Optimization of the generation energy efficiency, optimization of transmission and distribution of electricity distribution network cuts points
- Analysis of voltage drops, determination of network elements load’s curves including graphics of loads in the receiving nodes
- Reactive power management and optimization of distribution of capacitors
- Strategies of increasing the capacity of network elements
- Optimization of the power quality of consumers
Plans programme is used to calculate active and reactive power distribution in 400, 220 and 110 kV grids, analyses of tensions in the particular nodes, analyses of the energy losses and to calculate short circuit quantities.
Developed by EMCA Volt Sp. z o.o. overlays on the main programme as a set of macros, enable the analyses of optimization of energy losses, voltages as well as the identification of exceedances of the load and rated power of transformers in emergency systems n-1 and n-2.
SCC Industrial
SCC Industrial programme is used for calculating short circuit quantities, including: to determine the power flow and short-circuit current for symmetric and asymmetric short circuits as well as to determine the coefficient of X0/X1 for short circuits in each node on the network.
Obl2012 programme is used to the following calculations:
- the effectiveness of protection from shocks in circuits with a voltage up to 1 kV
- checking the short circuit selectivity of protections
- voltage drops and linked quantities
- the effectiveness of protection against the effects of the congestion
AutoCAD software is used to visualize:
- Designs of land use
- Longitudinal profiles of the terrain and the proposed equipment
- Drawings of individual elements of the proposed devices
- Slectrical schemes
PLS – CADD software is used to reading the so called “point cloud” from the laser scanning, in which the land use is mapped. With using the PLS-CADD there are prepared:
- Numerical model of the terrain
- Longitudinal profiles of the terrain and the proposed equipment
- Assembly arrays
- Arrays of sags and tensions of power lines
- Specifying the distance between the line’s conductors and the elements occurring in the field in the given operation conditions
- Calculations of feeder-bays
PŚ-SAG programme is used to prepare:
- Arrays of sags and tensions of power lines
- Mechanical calculations of power lines
ArcGIS software is used for processing of so-called GIS data. Using the programme there are prepared, among others:
- Visualization of the location of buildings on the available maps (e.g. on WMS servers)
- Preparing maps for civil contracts in order to establish the transmission easement
- Visualization of the collisions on the route of the proposed devices
- Connection with database